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Common Hardships That Nurses Often Face


Working in the medical field may have been a lifelong dream of yours. Rather than aspiring to be a general physician or surgeon, however, you wanted to become a nurse. This profession would allow you to come in contact with many different people that you could help in various and important ways.

While you may have had expectations of helping people and receiving their immense gratitude, after becoming a nurse, you may have come to understand the immense struggles that plague these individuals on a daily basis. While you still enjoy your work and want nothing to come in between you and your ability to perform your duties, you may still struggle underĀ the stress of the job.

Common hardships for nurses

Working in a hospital or other institution where your nursing skills are necessary means that you face a number of hardships. Some of the common difficulties you may have to contend with include the following:

  • General hazards: Sharp objects, spills on floors, patient interactions and a number of other hazards could easily result in you suffering harm while on the job.
  • Over-worked: It is common for hospitals to be short-staffed, and when this happens, you may end up having to work long shifts and contend with a number of taxing tasks throughout the day that can leave you feeling spent. These long hours could also result in your missing out on personal experiences due to work obligations.
  • Unsatisfying salaries: Despite your love for the job, the long hours and other efforts you put into your work, you may not receive as much compensation as you hope or feel you deserve. This can also impact your personal life, as financial struggles could result.
  • Co-worker issues: If you are a new nurse, you may also have to contend with veteran nurses treating you with some level of contempt. They may consider your enthusiasm too much for the workplace or even question whether you know how to properly perform your job.

While any of these issues may make your job more difficult, you may face a major problem if your nursing license ends up at risk. A variety of situations could lead to this predicament, such as accusations of stealing pills or failing to properly care for a patient. If you face this type of scenario, you may begin to panic.

Defending your license

Even if you feel that you have done nothing wrong and that the accusations made against you are false, you may still have to fight to keep your license. Fortunately, you can defend against the suspension or loss of your professional license, and an Arizona attorney can help you along the way.