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Does Your Employer Take Workplace Sexual Harassment Seriously?

The matter of sexual harassment in the workplace has taken center stage again in recent months, this time focused on sexual misconduct within the entertainment industry and the political world. However, sexual misconduct and harassment occur regularly in every area of employment, and we must take the fight against such behavior seriously.

Employers can do many things to reduce the likelihood of sexual harassment in the workplace. This begins with establishing clear, appropriate, internal policies that define sexual harassment in plain, effective terms and lays out how employees should respond. Part of an employer’s responsibility is to define the consequences of sexual harassment and then follow through on those consequences if an employee violates the policy.

Many employers find that it is useful to require employees to undergo training that helps them understand sexual harassment clearly. It is also wise for employers to monitor their workspaces and stay on top of any instances of harassment before they have the opportunity to sow discord in the office. It is also important to create safe, effective ways for an employee to report harassment to the employer. These systems help victims respond appropriately when harassment does occur, and reinforce the workplace as a whole.

If you believe that your employer is not addressing a sexual harassment issue in your workplace, you can consult with an experienced attorney to determine how to resolve the issue fairly while protecting your rights as a person and as an employee. Professional legal counsel helps you understand the full scope of your rights under the law as you fight for justice in the workplace, for yourself and for others.

Source: Findlaw, “Preventing Sexual Harassment,” accessed Nov. 17, 2017

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